Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Playing at the Park

We had a nice morning walking around an enormous park. We rode paddle
boats with water guns...Luke did NOT like it.  Then he played in a big
McDonalds-like play structure...which he liked a LOT!  He saw a big
toy he wanted.  Our guide told him we were just looking at the toys,
not buying. Luke said, "Just ask my Baba to buy it for me."  He's
pretty smart! (And, no, Baba did not buy it. It was too big for the
Luke is doing so well. He is pretty compliant but definitely tries to
make his wishes clear. He loves to get ready for the day and looks 
forward to each new adventure. He talks a lot in our room but we can't 
understand him. It's terrible! I want to know what he's thinking!
Please pray for our health.  Kevin, Rob, Katie and Andrew have colds.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chinese adoption is complete!

Chinese adoption is complete! We spent ten hours in the van traveling to 
and from Chaoyang. We visited Luke's orphanage and saw many of the kids 
we've come to love in the last couple of years. Luke proudly introduced 
his brothers and sisters and mom and dad to the boys and girls at the 
orphanage. Then he led the way to the van for the ride home. No tears, 
just trust and hope. We are all exhausted from a day that started at 6:00 
and is just wrapping up at 10:30. Tuesday was Lauren's 19th birthday and 
Luke's 4th. What an amazing way for them to spend it! Here are some 
pictures from the day. 
Kevin via Elizabeth

Monday, July 29, 2013

Pam's perspective

I just thought I would add some of my thoughts about yesterday.  What
a day!  Kevin and I had prepared the kids to be especially patient
with Luke, that it was unlikely that he would bond to all of us at one
time.  But this little guy is exceptional!  Yesterday, he wanted to be
held by each of us.  While we were playing "throw the monkey" with the
new stuffed toy we brought him, he would point to who he wanted to
catch it next, making sure everyone was included.  He was so joyous
and happy right up until nap time.  He quietly submitted to laying down
(he was exhausted) but after a few minutes he started to quietly sob.
He is so brave!  He stifled the sobs and whimpered for about 30
minutes before he fell asleep.  It was heartbreaking.
Once he woke up and seemed ready to play we took him to the kids'
room.  He quickly resumed the monkey game.  A few minutes into the
game, Andrew took the monkey and Luke started to cry.  Andrew felt
terrible and started to cry and bury himself in the bed.  I took them
both back to our room, both sobbing at this point.  Both dealing with
grief and loss.  Luke dropped the monkey which he had adored and
picked up the stuffed toy he brought from the orphanage.  (He still
won't play with the monkey). Andrew identifies so completely with Luke
that Luke's pain is like his own.  My heart was torn in half.  Kevin
and I took turns comforting each of them.
This morning, both boys were tangled up together asleep.  So cute!
They are playing so sweetly right now (early Tuesday morning).  Luke
has a lot to say, his voice is so sweet.  I just wish we could
understand it.  He keeps saying "Xie Xie, GeGe" (thank you, big
brother). Last night when we met our guide Sophie for dinner, he
introduced her to Lauren, saying "that's my big sister!"
The whole family has been troopers!  Rob, Lauren and Katherine are in
a room together and they have dubbed themselves "The Power Team". They
are ready on time or early for everything.
Today will be another exhausting day. We go back to the adoption
office to finalize the adoption and then the 4 hour drive to Chaoyang
to apply for Luke's passport and visit the orphanage.  Then the 4 hour
trip back. Please pray for happy tummies and hearts!
I'm so tired I almost forgot to mention that today is Birthday Day!  Happy
birthday to Luke and Lauren! 
Thank you all for your prayers!   We need them!
from Pam via Elizabeth

Gotcha Day- more details!

We started the day with breakfast at 6:30 so that we could be at the 
civil affairs office by 8:00. At breakfast, we prayed again that Luke's 
transition would be easy for him and that he would not be afraid. The 
director had arranged for an early meeting time so that we could get 
Luke sooner, so we were there by 7:40. Unfortunately, the civil office 
doesn't open until 9:00. Sophie, our guide, called the director who 
told us that they were just around the corner at their hotel, 
finishing breakfast. We walked over to their hotel and stood in the
lobby as the elevator doors opened. Out came Luke. He headed straight 
for Kevin and was wrapped up in a daddy's embrace. 
His nanny gave us a photo album that she had made of pictures of Luke 
as he's grown in the orphanage. It will be an important and precious 
book for him for the rest of his life. 
We played with him in lobby for about an hour before heading over to 
the civil office. There, we spent about an hour filling out more 
paperwork. You'd think that with the hundreds of pages we've already 
submitted, they'd have all the answers, but still. 
Once done there, we drove back to our hotel, changed clothes and 
headed out for lunch at Luke's favorite restaurant, Kentucky Fried 
Chicken. That's right good old KFC right in the middle of Shenyang, 
China. We did all enjoy the hot fudge sundaes. 
After lunch, it was back to the hotel for nap time. We sent the big 
kids to the other room and laid down with Luke. In the calm and quiet, 
he began to cry and we could tell that he was trying to be brave, but 
some sadness was leaking through. He curled up with blanket and monkey 
and went to sleep. 
He woke up quietly and was clearly reserved for several minutes. We 
joined the rest of the family for an hour of monkey toss: a game in 
which Luke tossed his stuffed monkey to different family members. He 
laughed a cute giggle uncontrollably. 
Dinner was at a Chinese food court. Noodles, grilled vegetables and 
rice for everyone: total cost about $9. 
Now we're back in the room and the lights have dimmed. Bath, prayers, 
Thank God for such a special wonderful day. 
from Kevin via Elizabeth 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Gotcha Day!

Gotcha day is a wonderful success! Lukas came directly to Kevin and then
made his way comfortably from Pam to Robert to Lauren and Katherine. He 
has been laughing and playing and hasn't shown the least apprehension. 
Thanking God for awesomely answered prayers!
Kevin via Elizabeth Ward

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Krosleys arrive in China!

The Krosleys (& luggage) have arrived safely in China! They were tired from the trip but grateful to be that much closer to Luke! The walk up the great wall was steep. However, the exercise was just what they needed to combat jet lag! The guys were the only ones who made it all the way to the top.
They are unable to post to the blog while in China so I will be their guest blogger for the next few weeks.
Elizabeth Ward

Saturday, July 20, 2013

One last post from Toni and the VO team

 It is now Saturday morning here and we are getting ready to fly back to Beijing. I usually don't have access to my mail there, so I thought I would send you one last email before we headed out.
I have to warn you....the director had your son pouring the beer at yesterday's luncheon ;)  Actually we switched him to water, and he went around filling all the team's water and toasting us. It was adorable. My friend Amy took lots of photos, so I will get them to you later.  He, Isaac, Jing, and a young man who spent a few days with us sat together, and they toasted one another several times, saying "gung bei."
Juan (our tutor who Angela stayed with) and Christine (reporter who has covered us the last 4 years) both want to see you when in Chaoyang. I told them you probably would not be here for long, but that they could call the director and possibly meet you at the orphanage.
You would not believe how much building is going on here. The Yandu hotel is completely under construction. I guess some of the China games are going to take place here next month, and they were hoping to have the hotel finished, but it will not be. The hotel we are in is nicer, but not as central as the other.  The night we had dinner with the vice- mayor the hotel was incredibly fancy, which made us all feel guilty for being there.  I can only hope that God made this connection with the vice-mayor so that somehow it will benefit the kids.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Answered Prayer!

Today was momentous!  Toni, the Visiting Orphans team leader, and Ying a member of our team showed Luke the photo album we sent and introduced us as his family.  It went really well!  Here is Toni's email:

What fun today was in sharing your photo album with Luke! I video taped and another woman on our team who is a professional photographer (and adoptive mom) snapped many photos of Ying reading the book to him.  We knew he was aware of the pending adoption, but he did not know it was your family. He listened very intently and nodded when Ying would ask him if he understood. He would get excited when he saw his photo in the book and wanted to flip the pages ahead to see more of himself. He was also excited about your dog;)  He also loved the little monkey you sent, then he got down and ran off to play.
I had Ying ask the director to keep the book somewhere safe, but to have someone read it with him regularly. I'm sure Jing would take that in a heartbeat. I guess a few days ago Jing told one of the nannies that she would be sad when he left, because she would not have any one to play with. I say she won't have any one to play with because she is mean to everyone!
I can't post video from here, so I will have to share that and the photos with you later. For now here are a few others from today. He and Isaac were being silly with the wheelchair. In the group photo, the director was excitedly sharing your book with Juan. Juan is now a reporter for one of the local papers. She asked the director for an exclusive on your adoption story and he laughed!
It was an honor to share today...brought tears to my eyes.

PS. The other little boy in the pictures, Isaac, is being adopted by a first time mommy and daddy in St. Charles!  They a best buddies and they will be reunited. God is good!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New Pictures!

Our team from Visiting Orphans is in Chaoyang right now and they just sent me a couple more pictures.  He's so happy!  Doesn't he look like he is ready for a family?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


We leave in 9 days.  Wow.  9 days to get 6 people ready to fly to China for two weeks to adopt little brother.  Join us here and we will keep you updated with info and pictures of our trip.  We especially covet your prayers.  Here is a list of prayer requests from this mommy's heart:

- Preparation for Luke's heart and mind.  I often pray that God puts our faces and voices in his dreams and for God to hold him and protect him.

- Luke's transition and adjustment as he is taken from everything he's ever know by people he may not remember.

- Our ability to help him grieve, if necessary, and our ability to not take it personally, especially the kids.

- Logistics...long flights, paperwork, "what have we forgotten"...

- Katherine's health - management of her nut allergy and finding food she can eat.

- Andrew's health - smog sets off his asthma...and China is SMOGGY!

- Health and strength for the rest of us.

- Good attitudes and good relationship building through tough situations.

- Our visas/passports to arrive in time!

Thanks to everyone who has prayed for us and supported us through this journey.  We're almost there!